Grossman Capraro Plastic Surgery

Permanent Makeup

At Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery, we’re proud to offer various treatments designed to enhance natural beauty, build confidence, and restore a youthful appearance. Permanent makeup, commonly known as micro pigmentation or cosmetic tattooing, is an advanced technique that offers long-lasting cosmetic improvements for the eyebrows, eyeliner, scar camouflaging, and even areola restoration following breast surgery.

Permanent makeup works by injecting hypoallergenic mineral pigments into the dermal layer of the skin with a fine needle. This process can shape and fill eyebrows, enhance the look of the lash line with permanent eyeliner, and restore the natural look of the areola after mastectomy or breast reconstruction surgery. The treatment is suitable for anyone seeking to minimize daily makeup application, enhance their facial features, or regain a sense of normalcy after breast surgery.

Results are typically noticeable immediately after the procedure, with full results appearing after the healing process, which usually takes one to two weeks. The longevity of results varies from person to person but generally last between 2 to 5 years for eyebrows and eyeliner, while areola restoration is often permanent.

Ready to redefine your beauty routine and embrace the effortless look you’ve always wanted? Contact Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery today and take the first step towards a more confident and empowered you. Don’t wait! Your journey to lasting beauty is just a call away!


Yes, when performed by trained professionals like those at Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery, it is safe and complications are rare.

It’s difficult to remove, which is why a consultation at Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery to discuss your goals and expectations is crucial.

We use a local anesthetic at Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Some clients may feel a slight discomfort, but it’s generally well tolerated.

Most of our patients find they can return to their normal activities immediately, but the treated area may be sensitive for a few days. Some people may experience temporary swelling or redness. Detailed aftercare instructions will be provided to help manage these.

Over time, the color may fade and require a touch-up. This typically happens after several years.

Yes, you can still apply regular makeup over the treated area once it has healed.

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