Male Breast Reduction

Board Certified Plastic Surgeons Serving Denver, Aurora, Littleton, Highlands Ranch, and Nearby Colorado


Gynecomastia is a term that refers to excess breast tissue in men. It is a common condition affecting approximately 40-60% of the male population. This excess breast tissue often develops during puberty. In many cases, it will go away by your early 20s. However, for others, gynecomastia persists into adulthood. Besides “true gynecomastia” where breast tissue enlarges in men, there are many more cases of fatty male breasts or “pseudo-gynecomastia.” This may occur during youth but occurs more often throughout the aging process.

For some men, excess breast tissue can be reduced or eliminated through diet and exercise. When these methods are not effective, male breast reduction can be performed to correct the condition. Male breast reduction can both alleviate physical discomfort and relieve social distress caused by gynecomastia in Denver, CO.

At Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery, we generally recommend that you wait until your body has fully matured before undergoing male breast reduction surgery. Often, you may find that by waiting, your condition disappears on its own, eliminating the need for surgery. For more information about male breast reduction in Denver, CO, please call (303)-320-5566 today.

Am I a Candidate for Male Breast Reduction Surgery?

Just about all men with excess breast tissue are candidates for male breast reduction surgery. However, the best candidates have firm, elastic skin that will respond well to your body’s new contours.

In cases of extreme gynecomastia, you may require more extensive surgery and possibly skin excision. At your initial consultation, our Denver plastic surgeons will discuss your options so that you can make a more informed decision about whether to proceed with the surgery.

If you are overweight and have not first attempted to correct the issue through diet and exercise, we may advise you to attempt to do so before opting for surgery.

The Male Breast Reduction Procedure

Our surgeons generally use Liposuction to remove fat from your breast tissue. Sometimes it may be possible to do this under local anesthesia, though most often general anesthesia is preferred.

If your gynecomastia results from glandular disorders, liposuction alone may not provide you with the best results. In these cases, our surgeons will recommend the best alternative method to help you achieve your desired outcome.

Recovery and Follow-Up Care

You should expect some swelling and bruising following the procedure. This will subside in a few weeks. Your surgeon will apply an elastic bandage or compression garment which should be worn during the healing process for at least three weeks.

You can generally return to work within a week of your procedure. The liposuction method minimizes pain and causes less tissue trauma, so the recovery period is generally quick, and you should experience less postoperative stiffness.

Compassionate Plastic Surgery Care

At Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery, we are sensitive to the self-consciousness you may experience as a result of gynecomastia, and we will provide you with highly compassionate care that respects your privacy and dignity. Our surgeons have performed thousands of male breast reduction procedures, helping our patients enjoy increased self-confidence due to their new physique.
Please contact our Denver plastic surgeons online or by calling (303)-320-5566 today to schedule your initial consultation at Grossman | Capraro Plastic Surgery, serving patients in Littleton and surrounding areas of Colorado.



Gynecomastia | Denver | Beverly Hills, CA - Grossman Capraro

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