Neck Lift

Neck Lift

Your neck is one of the most noticeable parts of the body to show early signs of aging. If wrinkles, excess fat, or loose skin in your neck region has left you looking a bit older than you’d like, a neck lift or mini neck lift may be the ideal procedure to help you look more youthful and refreshed.


While you can undergo this procedure at any age, the majority of our neck lift patients are between the ages of 40 and 60 and many are men. Ideal neck lift candidates are in good general health and still have some skin elasticity in their neck.

You may want to consider a neck lift if you are looking to:

  • Remove loose, sagging skin from underneath your chin
  • Correct visible vertical bands on your neck
  • Get rid of fat underneath your chin or on your neck which may be causing the appearance of a “double chin”
  • Restore a smooth, youthful appearance in your neck region

This surgery is often performed on an outpatient basis and sometimes under twilight or local anesthesia. Denver plastic surgeons Dr. Capraro, Dr. Cunningham, and Dr. Samas customize all neck lift procedures to address your unique physical characteristics and aesthetic goals.

Your plastic surgeon will usually start with a tiny incision set in the crease beneath the chin. If necessary, an incision behind the ears will further define the neck and jawline while hiding the scars from prying eyes.

During neck lift surgery, excess fat and skin will be removed. If necessary, neck muscles will also be tightened.

Often, our doctors will recommend a facelift or liposuction in conjunction with your neck lift to provide enhanced results.

You will most likely experience some swelling and minor bruising following your surgery. This will gradually subside within two to three weeks. Pain and discomfort should be minimal and can be controlled with medication.

During the first week of recovery, you should limit yourself to light activity around the house. After the first week, you may resume more moderate activity, and you can return to work in approximately 10-14 days. However, it may be closer to three or four weeks before you can resume athletics or other vigorous activities.

Dr. Capraro, Dr. Cunningham, and Dr. Samas view every procedure as a potential work of art. As a result, they pay careful attention to the other features in your facial region in order to provide you with a custom procedure that both enhances and rejuvenates your appearance.

Please contact our Denver plastic surgeons online or by phone at 303-320-5566 today to schedule your initial consultation at our office in the Denver and Greenwood Village, Colorado area.

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